Your body gives you little signals that it may need your attention, so don’t ignore them.
what do these signals mean?
(Note: There may be more than one correct answer.)
- white spot on your nails:
- Your nail beds are dry.
- You need more calcium.
- You bruised your nail.
- Your nail polish left a stain.
WHY: When you harm the cuticle base, where nail cells form, new cells regenerate and grow in white. It’s no big deal—you may not even realize you injured it.
- dark urine (color of dark straw):
- You’re dehydrated.
- You’re about to start your period.
- Your bladder got too full.
- You need more vitamin B.
WHY: When you don’t drink enough, your urine is more concentrated with uric acid, so it’s darker. Drink about eight glasses of liquid a day (urine should be pale yellow).
- leg cramps:
- You’re not sleeping enough.
- You’re missing certain minerals.
- You’re depressed.
- Your shoes are too tight.
WHY: You may be short on calcium or potassium, which muscles depend on. You lose them by sweating, so if you exercise, or your diet isn’t balanced, eat more low-fat dairy (high in calcium) and potassium-rich foods like bananas.
- hair that falls out easily:
- Your ponytail is too tight.
- You need more iron.
- Your shampoo is too drying.
- You’re under a lot of stress.
WHY: Losing more than 100 hairs a day could mean your hair accessories tug on strands and break them—or stress is triggering hormones that increase shedding. If hair falls out in small, round patches, it may be alopecia areata, a rare autoimmune disease—so consult a doctor.